Nestle Ceregrow Multigrain Cereal With Milk & Fruits – 300 gm
Multi grain cereal
Goodness of milk
Assortment of fruits
Age appropriate 15 vitamins and minerals including iron
How To Prepare:
Boil drinking water for 5 minutes and leave it till lukewarm
Pour 130 ml of lukewarm water into a bowl
Add 50 g of powder (6 level scoops of Ceregrow)
Mix the powder well with water. A nutritious bowl of Ceregrow is ready
Nestle Cerelac Stage 5 Infant Cereal, 5 Grain and Fruits – 300g
Nestle Cerelac Baby Cereal Multigrain & Fruits Stage 4 (12M+) – 300gm
Nestle Cerelac Multigrain Dal Veg Stage 4 (12M+) – 300gm
Nestle Cerelac Baby Cereal Wheat Rice Mixed Veg (Stage 3) – 300gm
It is free from added artificial colours, flavours and preservatives
Each serve of Cerelac provides the goodness of cereal with 18 important nutrients
It is a fortified baby cereal with milk
Important Notice: Mother's milk is best for your baby
Infant food shall be introduced only after the age of 6 Months and upto the age of 2 years
Nestle Cerelac Stage 2 Fortified Baby Cereal Wheat Apple Cherry – 300 gm
It is free from added artificial colours, flavours and preservatives
Each serve of Cerelac provides the goodness of cereals with 18 important nutrients
It is a fortified baby cereal with milk
Ingredients - Milk solids, Wheat flour, Sucrose, Apple juice concentrate, Soybean oil, Corn crunchies, Cherry crunchies, Minerals, Vitamins
Nestle Cerelac, Fortified Baby Cereal With Milk Wheat Stage-1
Organix Finger Foods Apple Rice Cakes with Cinnamon – 40 gm
We launched in 1992 with some fundamental beliefs: that everybody, no matter how young, deserves to eat well and that great tasting organic ingredients and delicious recipes can encourage a life long love of food. We've stuck to them fanatically. We're committed to never adding anything unnecessary and to setting standards, it's called our no junk promise. We're campaigning for change in the food industry, schools, nurseries and restaurants. All because we want the best for you on every step of your little one's journey, from us all at organic. Learning to feed myself, always organic, nothing unnecessary, setting standards, no junk promise, gluten free, suitable for vegetarians
Nestle NAN PRO 3 Follow Up Formula – 400 gm
Nestle Nan Pro Stage 2 Follow Up Formula Powder – 400 gm
Nestle Nan Pro 1 Infant Formula – 400 gm
Organix Finger Foods Organic Rice Cakes – Banana (7M+) – 50g
We only use organic rice in our rice cakes, which we gently puff into chunky circles, perfectly sized for little fingers. They're firm enough to hold, but gentle on delicate gums. All we add is the juice from bananas and apples to every one. These are rice cakes your little one will really go bananas over.