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How to Feed a Newborn baby

All the doctors recommend that baby is breast fed exclusively for about first six months. And even after the introduction of solid foods, breastfeeding should continue through first year of life and even beyond if desired.

It is said that mother’s milk is nectar for the baby and it acts as protective shield against all dreadful diseases and also increases the immunity of the child. Breast feeding the infant is the natural process and it is something that builds strong bond between the mother and the child.

Breast milk has perfect combination of nutrients that baby needs to grow strong and healthy such as antioxidants to build immune system and also this milk is easier for the baby to digest.

Before breast feeding the baby, mother has to be comfortable and more relaxed. It is recommended that the position of the baby in such a manner that mouth and nose of the baby faces the nipple and that the mother supports the breast to avoid pressing into baby’s chin. This aspect is called latching and it is the key to successful breastfeeding. Once the baby has latched on successfully, there are several common positions for nursing that makes best fit for you and your baby.

Babies are born with rooting reflex, which means they instinctively know how to suck. When the mouth of the baby is open draw him to your breast and start feeding as per proper position. Cross cradle position is great for newborns, needing most support.  Get a comfortable place and securely hold your baby crosswise with arm opposite from your breast you are nursing with. In case you are nursing with your right breast hold your baby with your left arm and vice versa.

Next is clutch hold that is particularly for women who have had cesarean section for the pressure of the baby will not be on abdomen. Women with large breast or flat nipples also prefer this hold.

Often mothers think that their milk supply is low and wonder if they are supplying enough milk to the baby. As long as your baby is gaining weight properly, you are likely supplying sufficient amounts of breast milk.

Sometimes despite efforts there are moms who cannot breast feed and has to resort to formula milk or formula feed. One has to talk to pediatrician about choosing the best formula option for the baby. For this you have to have sterilized bottles and nipples every time before you feed your baby.

For formula feeding, hold your baby fairly upright. Support their head so they can breathe and swallow comfortably. Brush the teat against your baby’s lips and when they open their mouth wide, let them draw the teat and always give your baby plenty of time to feed.

Remember to sterilize the bottles and nipples before every time you feed the baby.  For making formula milk one has to boil water and bring it to the boiling point. Let this water cool for half an hour, then pour exact amount of water into the bottle and add right amount of scoops. Put on the teat and cover it and then give the bottle a good shake until all the powder has dissolved.  Before feeding the baby test the temperature of the milk by tipping little into your wrist and then if it is warm feed the little one.

In case you hear too much sucking sounds while your baby drinks she may be taking in too much air and to help the baby swallow less air, hold her so she is propped up a little and tilt the bottle so that the teat and the neck are always filled with formula.

At Baby’s World